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Hala Madanat - Introduction to Health Promotion and Behavioral Science in Public Health read online DJV, EPUB, PDF


Examine today's field of changing health behaviors as INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH PROMOTION & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE IN PUBLIC HEALTH answers practical questions, such as "how do you convince people to stop smoking?" and "how do you successfully promote physical activity?" This comprehensive book, part of Cengage Learning's new PUBLIC HEALTH BASICS series, details the methods and theories used to address many of the top behaviors that contribute to early morbidity and mortality. You will gain a solid overview of the risk factors of communicable and non-communicable diseases as you examine health promotion programs designed to intervene and prevent these diseases. The book begins with a thorough, practical introduction to the principles and processes of program planning models. You review the most commonly used theories in health promotion and today's most current research and practices. The book assesses how various programs target differing levels of the socio-ecological model, including individual, interpersonal, organizational, and community levels. Numerous case studies showcase both influences on health behaviors and how programs at various levels of the socio-ecological model modify behaviors. You will evaluate how public health policy continues to address various health problems at all levels., Introduce your students to the field of changing health behaviors as INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH PROMOTION & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE IN PUBLIC HEALTH answers practical questions, such as "how do you convince people to stop smoking?" and "how do you successfully promote physical activity?" This comprehensive book, part of Cengage Learning's PUBLIC HEALTH BASICS series, details the methods and theories used to address many of the top behaviors that contribute to early morbidity and mortality. Learners will gain a solid overview of the risk factors of communicable and non-communicable diseases and examine health promotion programs designed to intervene and prevent these diseases. The book begins with a thorough, practical introduction, ideal for undergraduate students, on the principles and processes of program planning models. The authors examine the most commonly used theories in health promotion and today's most current research and practices. The book assesses how various programs target differing levels of the socio-ecological model, including individual, interpersonal, organizational, and community levels. Numerous case studies showcase both influences on health behaviors and how programs at various levels of the socio-ecological model modify behaviors. To conclude, learners will closely examine how public health policy continues to address various health problems at all levels.

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